Saturday, October 1, 2011

Busy bees lately: One month in one blog

Happy end of September and beginning of October. Its been a while since I've blogged. Life has taken over as usual. Steve actually is the one that pointed out I hadn't blogged since August. Oops!! Since I left you guys Steve and I have been pretty busy. Where should I start?

We celebrated Steves Birthday (hes 28 now). His mom came over the week before with his youngest sister Katelyn and we went to dinner together. On his actual birthday we went to dinner with a group of friends at Buca Di Beppos in Claremont (worst service we've EVER had anywhere, but still fun) and then cosmic bowling as well. We also tried to make it to his sister Saras house that same weekend to see her, Alex, Connor& Sophia but the car that we've been borrowing from my dad wouldn't allow us to make it down there. But we finally did make it down there a couple weeks later.So we got to make it up to them.

It has been the month of items breaking for us... first it was the car and then it was the air conditioner in our condo went out (thats NEVER good with so cal weather!) But thankfully we have a really great property manager/land lord and he fixed it right away. Well he sent someone to look at it that day and the following day he had someone replace the it with a new unit that is energy efficient. Yay!! So now we have a new unit and its saving us a little bit of money in the process too. As for the car problem it has been remedied as well. So we are 2 for 2 for the month of September. :)

Oh I also started a new shift at work. As you may have known I've been on the graveyard shift for almost the last 2yrs. It was fine when Steve and I were dating and okay when we were engaged but now that we're married, I would like to be at home with my hubby as much as possible! So I made up my mind to get off of the graveyard shift! I am now on relief (basically I cover for people who are on vacation or taking floaters). Its not a set shift except for Wednesdays in downtown LA at Gateway. Mostly I've been working the swing shift so I don't always get to see Steve when hes off work but I get to spend more nights with him as well as mornings when we're both off. Its been working out for us. We are adjusting to my ever changing schedules. So far its been pretty decent. I hope that feeling lasts.

Days like today make my schedule worth it. We both had today off. I haven't had a Friday off since I can't remember when! At least 2yrs... I think? We wanted to do something fun together so we hopped on the Metrolink train and went to LA. Steve had never been on the train ever!! We got off the train and then went out to Olivero street, walked around some and window shopped. We saw some really nice stuff but left it there. Lol. Then we boarded the Goldline to Pasadena. I Loooove Pasadena!! Steve had never been there with me. So we stopped at the Mission station for cupcakes at My Sweet Cupcake then out of nowhere it started raining (we were NOT dressed for rain!) Thank goodness it stopped raining and then we went to Old Town Pasadena and did a lot more walking& window shopping. We ended the day walking some more around the gardens. It was a really great day. So much fun!!

Oh! And this month I attempted crispy pops for Haileighs 2nd Birthday (Ambers little one and our niece). I can't wait to see until we make the batch for her party! ::expect pics:: We're ready to see what awaits us in October. So far its a Birthday, maybe some pumpkin carving (I have to clean out the guts, Steve won't. Lol), Maybe some Halloween fun depending on my schedule. Keep you all posted. Going to try and blog some more, I promise! Have a great weekend!


  1. Woohooo! I'm glad you're blogging! :) It's so nice to spend time with you hubby, isn't it? Brian is ALWAYS on the go, and with me working full time, it seems crazy that we actually see each other. Thank goodness I have a 3 day weekend, so that we can spend time with each other there :)

  2. Busy busy! At least it seems like everything is falling into place though! I hope you'll get to blog again soon!! :o)

  3. I absolutely love that picture! :)

    Aya of Strawberry Koi
