Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First things first

Hi everybody!!

This is my first time blogging, ever!! I don't know how often I will blog but we'll see. So.. where do I start? Okay let me first start by saying. I'm going to do my best not to vent on this blog. There's a time and a place for that and hopefully this is not it. Even though it might be tempting I won't do it (I don't think.) Lol. My plan is to blog about daily and big events going on in our lives. I stole the idea from a couple people that I knew had a blog so thank you ladies.

We've been married for almost 5months now. Loving every minute of it. Definitely worth all the things we went through to the plan that beautiful day. It was an amazing day. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it. Please make sure that you look at our photographers album at:: www.Carrievines.com clients albums: Raya (there's 3 albums). Comment me for the password or facebook me if you need to. Also take a look at Carrie's blog, shes always updating it with new photo shoots. She doesn't advertise anywhere but through word of mouth. So I'm sharing her creativity.

In the last few months we've been trying to set up our house into a home. So far its working. The next thing on our to do list is fill our MANY picture frames then put them up on our walls. We have a few filled but nothing is on the walls yet. We're not sure where to put them yet. Talking about our home... A lot people have been asking us the inevitable question: When are you going to start a family? Well here's my answer to that, that's between Steve and I. We're leaving it at that for now. I can promise once it does happen and we're ready& comfy enough to we will for sure share that news. That I can promise :)

This month is both my dads and Steve's Birthday. I loooove Birthdays as everyone has known. We don't have any plans for my dads Birthday yet but Steves Birthday is another story. For right now we have plans to do something both together one night and then another day with everyone else that can make it out with us. I think we're going to a Quakes game but that might change. That's up to Steve even though he tells me I should plan his Birthday since he doesn't care either way as long as he's with me. I will never understand why hes like that or why most guys are like that, but either way I can't wait for his Birthday and share the pics with everyone.


  1. Dang you have only been married 5 months!! people need to back off that starting a family ish. It's what we get for finding our soul mates so late in life :)

  2. Nice first blog! :o) Ha ha...yeah, we got a lot of the "When do I get to be a grandma/grandpa, when are you guys having babies?" the fist year too. It actually calms down after a while. Ha ha..hopefully anyway!! Hey, we're doing the same thing with pictures...except we've been here for over 2 years...so you're actually doing better than us.. :o) Fernando gripes and gripes about the "WHITE WALLS" so for Christmas I finally got some frames for him and some pictures...but they have the thing so you can stand them up too, so what does he do...he stands them...probably so he can keep complaining about the white walls, right? So we were going for a walk a few weeks ago and our next door neighbors were having a yard sale, so we bought 2 big collage frames that hold 9 4"x6". I filled them with pictures THAT weekend, but we have NOT hung them up yet...he hasn't really been complaining too much lately either though. ha ha..sorry for the rant! :oD

  3. Stacie, that is what we get for find our soul mates and having eager parents who are even more eager to have grandbabies. The joys of marriage. It has been rumored that Steves family has a running bet on us between them. Lol. We'll see how that works out later. ;)

    Holly, I hope it calms down with the families but who knows. In the mean time choices are kept between nearest and dearest. ;) Ha guys are never completely happy unless they have something to complain about right? I hope that you guys finally get your big frames hung.
    Why did he stand the frames you got him? Lol. Random!! We're still working on getting pics both professional and candid ones from my camera and others, if you have any please let me know. I can't wait to finally get all the pictures up and eventually a HUGE canvas for above our fireplace. But that will come later. No worries about the rant. I'm sure I'll do it eventually soon too. Lol.
