Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday cookies aren't quite the same anymore..

Okay before I really get started, I don't really know where the need to blog came from but its hit me so here I am. I just got home from work and since its still kind of early in my world I guess I should take advantage of the time I have. Since it seems like this week the shift I'm working all I do is sleep then get up and head back to work. I can't wait until I get an off day to relax some and take care of things around the house. If I get my way I will work on some crafts to decorate the house and some blankets as well. Of course that's after I work on finishing Christmas shopping.
             Holidays are a time for family and traditions that you do with your family or with your family in mind. I lost my grandmother 14yrs ago from a stroke this December on my dads side. Sadly she was the glue to our immediate family and all of our gatherings. I've always known that but now its really hitting me especially since I'm the new Mrs. When my sisters and I were kids every year a week before Christmas our family would meet and our grandmother and grandaddies house and decorate sugar cookies and gingerbread girl and boys that grandmother had made. We'd get to take some home and the rest stayed at her house to be one of a couple of desserts on Christmas day. I've tried to keep the cookie tradition its not the same and unsuccessful! Probably because I attempted them by myself. It'll probably stay that way until Steve and I have kids and they have cousins to do the cookie thing with.
             Being freshly married within the year means Steve and I need to set our own traditions into motion. Like as of now my parents get Christmas Eve and his family gets Christmas day. His mom gets her own day too but its not set yet. There are other things that will become traditions I'm sure. I really wish that my uncles and amazing aunt with my cousins could all get together like we used to but everyone is growing up and far apart so I know it won't happen. But its a nice idea, right? Basically I really miss my grandparents. I know most of you know what its like, I know they're in a better place but sometimes it would be so nice to hug them and have a conversation with them.
             I really need to get a hold of my auntie Carol and get my grandmothers cookie recipes soon. Mmm... its crazy how a scent or a certain food, or pretty much anything can bring back a memory. I love and miss you Grandmother& Grandaddy and Grandma& Grandpa. As of now I'm going to get some Christmas music and keep staying in the spirit. Happy Holidays everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I just remembered a few minutes ago when I was on facebook that I missed reading your last blog. I don't know WHAT made me remember that...but I also saw my happy birthday post on your wall, so yay and thank you for that! :o) This was such a nice blog, even though it's sad/reminiscent. <~~ Totally had to spell check that word.. Ha ha.. Anyway it really hit home with me, because as you know I just lost my grandma the day after Thanksgiving and I lost my other grandma 15 years ago. We would always go to my mom's mom's house for Christmas when we were little and even though a lot has changed I know that you and Steve will get comfy with your own traditions and you will help your family and your future family make the same kind of happy memories that you remember growing up with. My mom and I make my grandma's no bake fudge cookies (which you saw on my facebook a few weeks ago). She always use to make those. They were her THING. :o) My grandma that lived in Las Vegas use to make me this pasta called Pastina. Which is pretty much teeny tiny pasta dots that you cook with TONS of butter and a little salt and pepper. SO good by the way. I haven't had it in quite a few years since I stopped eating pasta, but there's a box or 2 in my cupboard taunting me from time to time. Does pasta get bad by the way?? Huh... Anyway, it's something I'll have to introduce Lorelai too now that she's eating more solids. That might be more of a once-she's-spoon-feeding-herself kinda food. :o) Anyway, Thank you for posting this blog it made me happy in a weird way... I know that probably sounds odd... It's nice to remember is all I mean.. I think? I can't wait to see what new traditions you and Steve will start! <3
